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at UW/H


at UW/H

Photo: UW/H | SCHWITCH-Konfrenz

Stufu lecture series: New narratives for planetary education with Prof. Dr. Jan-Christoph Heilinger

Location New building, U.031c, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 48, 58455 Witten
Organizer WittenLab. Zukunftslabor Studium fundamentale

In the face of immense, structural problems such as climate change, one important question that concerns many people is: What can I do in the face of the magnitude of the crisis? In his lecture, Prof. Dr. Jan-Christoph Heilinger will analyze and discuss this question from the perspective of practical philosophy and suggest a pragmatic way in which we can think about our own responsibility and do justice to it - even if we as individuals can only achieve a little at first. Even if we also have to fulfill other, conflicting obligations. And even if there is no chance of behaving completely correctly anyway.

About the lecture series "New narratives for planetary education"

The guiding question of the lecture series is: "How can we bear witness to climate change and how can we create new narratives for planetary education?"

Adapting to climate change is an evolutionary challenge where we need to understand that we are actually helping to shape the future. However, we think of climate change as a technical problem that has to do with carbon dioxide emissions. But it is about more than that - it is an adaptation challenge that also affects our beliefs, values and worldviews. We should not only consider the practical, technological and behavioral aspects, but also the personal and social aspects. To recognize the blind spot of these aspects, we need new narratives with a new awareness. This lecture series invites scientists and activists who are conceptualizing and practicing new WEs - global, transgenerational and planetary WEs. Each lecture will be hybrid - online and in person at the university. All participants will be invited to a planetary cooking/dinner on July 18th.

Zoom registration

The event will be held in German.