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at UW/H


at UW/H

(Photo: UW/H | Johannnes Buldmann)

Take part in the mobility survey!

Dear University Community,

the various ways in which we commute to the UW/H affects not only the way we organize our everyday lives and our health, but also the climate and the environment. To enable you to commute to UW/H as sustainably as possible, there is already an extensive mobility infrastructure and services.

How can we improve this offer? How do you come to UW/H? What challenges do you face?

These are the questions we ask you in the mobility survey. With this survey we would like to

  • identify ideas and potentials for sustainable commuting, as well as
  • obtain reliable figures for the carbon footprint on UW/H commuting behavior.

We are giving attractive prizes related to sustainable mobility away among all participants:

  • Several vouchers from the sustainable cycling clothing brand Triple2 in the amount of 100 and 50 euros respectively and meriono socks
  • A ride with the eCarsharing car
  • Backpacks, spoke reflectors and frame bags/triangle bags from Valkental
  • A backpack from Vaude

The anonymous survey will run until May 21, 2024 and does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about individual persons. To take part in the competition, you will therefore receive a separate link on the last page of the survey.

Please take part in the survey and help shape UW/H's mobility services!

Kind regards

Dr. Dirk Jakobs                                                                                        Dr. Annaliesa Hilger

Vice President for Organizational Development               Head of Sustainability Networking Office