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at UW/H


at UW/H

Fidelia network meeting in presence

Location Café Leye, Bahnhofstraße 13, 58452 Witten
Organizer Fidelia Frauen-Netzwerk (Ansprechpartnerinnen: Julika Franke, Katrin Wulf)

Every year, the Fidelia network meeting takes place in person on the Sunday after the official alumni meeting.

Exchanging experiences and knowledge, opening doors for each other, developing ideas as sparring partners or simply lending a sympathetic ear. All this is Fidelia - the women's network at UW/H. There is an online meeting at least four times a year. A woman from the network contributes a topic that is relevant to everyone and in which she has particular expertise. All UW/H women (students, staff from academia and administration, outpatient clinics and hospitals, professors, etc.) are welcome.

Registration is requested.

Fidelia is open to all women from all faculties and year groups. You can join the LinkedIn group here.

If you have any questions, please contact the organizers: Katrin.Wulf@spam protectgelberaben.de or Julika.Franke@spam protectposteo.de.

The event will be held in German.

Note: The event is for female UW/H members only.