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Global Sustainability: Climate, Justice, Transformation (B.A.)
Here you will find general information and forms for your study program.
Information for prospective students can be found on our homepage.
General information on the study programme can be found at the Office of the Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Economics and Society.
To the International Office.
General information on re-registration for the semester, applying for a semester off, exmatriculation can be found at the Registrar's Office.
To the StudierendenGesellschaft
Program Responsible
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Joachim Zweynert
- Professorship of International Political Economy
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Philosophy, Politics and Economics)
Wittener Institut für institutionellen Wandel (WIWA)
Contact application office
Anna Büyükburc
- Officer
- Studiendekanat
Bewerbungsbüro / Akkreditierung
Christiane Weber
- Admissions Office
- Studiendekanat