Teaching & Research
at the UW/H
Teaching & Research
at the UW/H
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Data organization
Research data should be stored on a central server. Access should be possible for authorized persons and the research data should be backed up regularly.
Data should be backed up according to the 3-2-1 rule: 3 copies on 2 media, with at least 1 copy stored separately.
The creation and use of a clear structure for data organization is essential. Scientists who are new to a research group can inquire whether there are already predefined structures in the working group.
Version control
Efficient handling of individual research data is important, especially when data sets are subject to change during the course of the research project. Version control goes hand in hand with a precise naming convention.
The designation of the individual data records should be sequential and include the storage date in addition to the version number. This should follow the YYYYMMDD format to facilitate subsequent sorting processes. If a data record has been finally edited, the version should ideally be marked as final.