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General Notes
On these pages you will find information on how to use your UW/H mailbox with a focus on Microsoft Outlook. Please understand this offer as a "work in progress". To fully document the large feature set of Outlook would not be manageable for us in terms of time. However, we will gradually expand our documentation, which is limited to the most important topics, according to your feedback, in order to develop an Outlook documentation that covers all topics practically relevant for the UW/H.
Please contact us if you have any problems:BIT-Support@ Please note, however, that we can only offer very limited support for private devices due to the time involved.
If you would like to report a problem related to your UW/H mailbox, please be sure to give us the following info so we can help you:
- If there is a problem with logging in, can you log in to
- Does the problem also occur when accessing via webmail?
- With which device or software does the problem occur?
- In which network is the device located? (University network, eduroam WLAN, uwh-guest WLAN, Internet)
- Which error message(s) do you receive? (Screenshots are often helpful)
Please understand that we cannot help you based only on a non-specific error message of the type "I can't access my e-mails". Thank you!
Tip: If you have problems with Outlook, please also use the online help, which you can open in Outlook at any time by pressing F1! You will find detailed instructions for practically all functions as well as links to further information and short training courses that will familiarize you with specific topics.