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Intranet Uni WH | Moodle (e-Learning)

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Moodle (e-Learning)

"Moodle" is a software to develop and run internet-based courses. It is a global software development project that supports a constructivist approach to teaching and learning.

At UW/H we used this software to support teaching by storing teaching materials and notes on lessons there.


Currently there are some initiatives at Witten/Herdecke University to improve the online presence of teaching and to support the lecturers in their work.

One of these improvements will be a further update of the learning platform, adding more features such as:

  • Feedback,
  • surveys,
  • glossary,
  • forum and
  • various quiz formats

will be available.

The update will be done in such a way that existing content will continue to be available as usual. This means that there will be no separate work for the lecturers.


Since WS 2017/18 a new Moodle instance is available, which is also used extensively. Here you can find all information and materials from WS 2017/18 :



If you have questions about the application or have problems accessing it, please contact one of the following people, depending on your area of responsibility:

Human MedicineFranckowiak, Reiner(Reiner.Franckowiak@spam protectuni-wh.de)
DentistryGaluschka, Celina(Celina.Galuschka@spam protectuni-wh.de)
Nursing ScienceBudroni, Helmut(Helmut.Budroni@spam protectuni-wh.de)
PsychologySiegel, Robin(Robin.Siegel@spam protectuni-wh.de)
EconomicsReusse, Claudia(Claudia.Reusse@spam protectuni-wh.de)
CultureVogel, Tobias(Tobias.Vogel@spam protectuni-wh.de)