Info for students
at the UW/H
Info for students
at the UW/H
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Student Representation WiGe

Student Council WiGe Faculty
Welcome to the Student Council of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences website. Here you will find all information about us, our work, and the most important upcoming events.
Anne, Elisabeth, Luisa, and Sven, together we form the Student Council and are your representation and voice to the outside world. In this function, we sit in the faculty council (and vote there) and other decision-making bodies to bring student interests to essential faculty developments!
Furthermore, we organize the student general assemblies of our faculty, the Jour Fixes of the study programs, and other socializing events, such as the faculty Christmas party. We're your contact persons for any ideas, concrete suggestions, or problems concerning university politics or context. We always have an open ear and are happy to hear from you!
You can reach us via mail or Instagram. Also, feel free to talk to us on campus if you see us there.
Minutes from events, the faculty council, an anonymous messaging option, and more info can be found on Moodle, so feel free to follow us there:
How to reach us:
Instagram (events and much more): studivertretung_wige_uwh
Mail (for everything): Student Council: studierendenvertretung.wige@
Elisabeth: Elisabeth.Kampeter@
Anne: Anne.Siebelhoff@
Luisa: Luisa.Schwab@
Sven: Sven.Dannhorn@