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Contact persons
Dean of Studies Human Medicine
The Office of the Dean of Studies is responsible for all tasks relating to studying and teaching at the faculty. It is the central point of contact for students and employees of the faculty.
Prof. Dr. med. Marzellus Hofmann
- Programme Coordinator Medicine (StEx.)
- Faculty of Health
- Leader
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
- Vice Dean for teaching
- Faculty Office of Health
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Benjamin Paul
- Stellv. Leiter
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Caroline Wack
- Deputy manager
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Stefanie Balzereit
- Speaker
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Annika Haupt
- Speaker
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Scientific staff
Dr. Sabine Böhmer
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Caroline Bongart
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Dr. Silke Erdmann
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Monique Eßer
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Giuseppe Favara
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Katja Frost
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Girththana Jayethevan
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Dr. Robin Herbrechter
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Dr. Ines Kubigsteltig
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Dr. med. Jörg Reißenweber
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Dr. Anna-Maria Richters
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Dr. Carolin Schlabs
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Dr. rer. medic. Andrea Schlicker
- Research assistant
- Chair of Didactics and Educational Research in Health Science
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Julia Schüer
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Dipl.-Psych. Heike Schulte
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Rebecca Schwibinger
- Research assistant
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Jana Bessell
- Officer
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Stephanie Gastreich-Rohr
- Officer
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Elke Gorges
- Officer
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Janina Horstmann
- Officer
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Martin Klaschik
- Officer | Secretariat/POL
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Jennifer Pitscher
- Officer | Clinic coordination
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Isabell Korner
- Officer
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Natalie Schulz
- Officer
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Exam organization
Jacqueline Hentschel
- Exam organisation
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Ingrid Koscholleck-Szappanos
- Exam organisation
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
+49 2302 926-727
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58455 Witten
Alexander Krause
- Examination office
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Martina Röbern
- Secretariat
- Office of Student Affairs Medicine
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)