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Intranet Uni WH | Equality and diversity at the UW/H

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Equality and diversity at the UW/H

In March 2021, Witten/Herdecke University signed the Diversity Charter and thus joined the effort to live equality and diversity at UW/H as a place of teaching, learning and work. We want to enable the different personalities and potentials we unite at the university to develop and realise themselves. Our claim "Here we grow." is based on our principle "Just be you": Growth can only happen if the external conditions allow and fulfil human needs. By "needs", we do not mean basic needs such as food or shelter. Still, those are only expressed when basic needs are met: security, belonging, esteem and the opportunity for self-actualisation (Maslow, 1943).

We are convinced that self-development and the experience of belonging and esteem under the protection of a concept of equality and diversity promote precisely the growth essential for a positive educational experience. After a constitutive phase in the years 2020 to 2023, in which initial steps were taken, e.g. with the "Gender-equitable language" guidelines, various events for days of action such as Feminist Fight Day or Diversity Day or the guideline on dealing with name changes for trans* people, we are now ready to initiate further significant changes towards a discrimination-sensitive and equal opportunity organisation through a broad catalogue of measures.


We in the Equality and Diversity team are committed to non-discriminatory and respectful interaction at our university. We want to provide all university members with a safe and pleasant learning and working environment. In doing so, we work confidentially, focusing on those affected and with an intersectional perspective. We want to raise awareness of different life realities and strengthen the university's open discussion and exchange culture. We are always open to ideas and feedback!

Contact persons

Svenja Hartwig

Dr. Svenja Hartwig

  • Beauftragte für Gleichstellung und Vielfalt

      +49 2302 926-815

      Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 44
      58455 Witten

      FEZ Attic D.246

      As the Equality and Diversity Officer, Svenja Hartwig coordinates all activities in the area of diversity. University members can contact her at any time if they have experienced discrimination or need advice. She is also happy to receive tips about barriers or problematic structures and is looking forward to a lively exchange.

      Leah Luwisch

      Leah Luwisch

      • Studentin der Humanmedizin

          Divirsity and Inklusion | Representaion Students

          Christina Hunger-Schoppe

          Prof. Dr. Christina Hunger-Schoppe

          • Professorin für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie III
          • Department für Psychologie und Psychotherapie

              Diversity and Inclusion | Deputy Professor

              Lewis Johnston

              Dr. Lewis Johnston

              • Fachreferent Recht
              • Personal und Recht

                  +49 (0) 2302 / 926-458

                  Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
                  58448 Witten


                  Equality and diversity | Representation of non-scientific employees

                  Anne Kandolf

                  Anne Kandolf

                  • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Zahnärztin
                  • Abteilung für Zahnerhaltung und Präventive Zahnmedizin
                  • Universitätszahnklinik Witten

                      Diversity and Inklusion | Substitute scientific Employees