Teaching & Research
at the UW/H
Teaching & Research
at the UW/H
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Exchange and support for UW/H scientists
Trustworthy and sustainable research data management (RDM) depends on good communication! The exchange between all RDM players at the UW/H (researchers, library, IT, research funding, dean's offices, university management, press office, etc. interested parties) as well as in local, national and international networks is therefore being intensified.
Current needs are identified at meetings (online and in person). The connection and further networking with stakeholders in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, in Germany (NFDI), in RDM networks at universities and colleges, internationally (Research Data Alliance, European Open Science Cloud, etc.) and in research facilities and institutes remain essential.
In addition to working group meetings, the Research Data Management Service and Contact Point at Witten/Herdecke University offers training courses and workshops. If you have your own needs, please get in touch!
Counseling sessions
Questions and concerns about research data management can also be answered in direct consultations, e.g.
- Where to put my research data?
- We are looking for suitable workflows for RDM for our project. Where can we find information and support?
- Why should I (at the latest) deal with research data management as a doctoral candidate?
- Where can I store multiple versions of my research data?
Research data management handbook
The Handbook of Research Data Management deals with central aspects of research data management from an interdisciplinary, information science and application-oriented perspective.
Current developments and challenges in research data management in Germany
- Neuroth, H., & Oevel, G. (2021). "Current developments and challenges in research data management in Germany". In Practical handbook of research data management. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110657807-029 - Annette Strauch-Davey: Review of Putnings, Markus; Neuroth, Heike; Neumann, Janna (eds.): Praxishandbuch Forschungsdatenmanagement Berlin 2021. In: BuB: Forum Bibliothek und Information, 74th year, 05/2022 Focus on the Leipzig Library Congress: urn:nbn:de:urmel-94fb79e6-cd03-464e-aa3a-19cef23b82832-00323222-17
Platforms for further information
You can find lots of useful information on research data management on the following platforms/websites, newsletters and in chats:
- forschungsdaten.info
- forschungsdaten.org
- http://www.digipres.org/tools/
- https://www.nfdi.de/
- https://www.nfdi.de/newsletter-abo/
- https://base4nfdi.de/projects
Contact us

Annette Strauch-Davey
- Research assistant
- Forschungsdatenmanagement
- Faculty of Health
+49 2302 926-78616
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58455 Witten