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LimeSurvey (Online Survey)
For the creation of online surveys, the UW/H offers the survey tool LimeSurvey to all employees and students.
Direct access:
LimeSurvey is a free survey software. It can be used to create, publish and conduct web-based surveys. The survey results are recorded in a database and can be evaluated or exported by the survey administrators using internal functions.
Please note that the BIT provides the software, but cannot offer content-related advice on how to use LimeSurvey.
However, as part of the continuing education program at UW/H, employees have the opportunity to participate in aLimeSurvey training course. Please inform yourself about the dates on thepages of the continuing education offer.
An instruction manual for LimeSurvey can be found here:
Extensive support is available in the forums:
Conditions for the use of LimeSurvey at UW/H
Insofar as the use of LimeSurvey is intended to or opens up the possibility of monitoring the behaviour or performance of employees, the works council shall exercise its co-determination rights in this regard.
If employees of the UW/H are to take part in the survey, this also means students who are employed as temporary student workers, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the works council before carrying out the survey and to comply with the following process:
- Applicant: Fill in the application form (Antragsformulars), the application will be sent automatically to the BIT.
- BIT: Set up the survey (without right to publish) and send info email to requester.
- Applicant: Creation of the survey, export of the questionnaire (e.g. as PDF) and sending to BIT in response to info email from BIT
- BIT: Involvement of data protection officer
- HR department: Involvement of works council
- BIT: If works council agrees, awarding of publication rights to applicant

Participation in surveys is generally possible without registration and mostly anonymously.
When each survey is called up, log data is collected for the purpose of technical operation. The processing of this data is described in the information on general data processing, which is linked at the top right of every survey page.
If further personal data are collected from survey participants in a survey, the survey administrator must inform about this in information on the processing of these specific data.
With this data protection information for survey participants, Witten/Herdecke University fulfils its duty to inform in accordance with Article 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR). With regard to the terms used in the following, e.g. "personal data", "processing", "controller" etc., reference is made to the definitions in Article 4 of the EU-DSGVO.
When calling up any survey, the browser transmits data of the retrieving device to the system, as with any website call-up.
The following data is stored by the UW/H in secured log files:
- Web page/address accessed
- Date and time of access
- IP address of the user
- HTTP status code
- amount of data retrieved
- Browser type and version / operating system used by the user
The data will not be compared with other data or passed on to third parties.
The UW/H collects and processes the above-mentioned log data required for technical operation to maintain the technical security of the systems in order to protect the legitimate interests of the University pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. EU-DSGVO. The data is required for the online execution of the surveys and the secure operation of the system and will only be used for the purposes stated in each case.
The data is stored for a maximum of 7 days and then deleted. Data whose further storage is necessary for evidentiary purposes are exempt from deletion until the final clarification of the respective incident.
The processing of this data is described in the information on general data processing, which is linked at the top right of each survey page.
The survey administrator decides whether further personal data of the survey participants are collected in a survey.
The administrator of the respective survey is responsible for compliance with data protection and the use of the collected data!
If further personal data is collected in a survey form, the survey administrator must inform about the data processing associated with the survey (data, purpose, legal basis, duration of storage, transfer to third parties if applicable, ...) on the start page of his survey in accordance with Article 13 of the EU Data Protection Regulation (EU-DSGVO).
Apart from the specific data collected in the survey form, the following data may be collected, which LimeSurvey offers as functions:
- IP addresses of the participants
- Email addresses of the participants
- Public statistics
- Browser cookies to prevent repeat participation
- Date stamp
- Timings
Survey participants must be informed about the following points by the survey administrator on the homepage of the survey:
- Who is conducting the survey and is responsible for data processing (names and contact details)?
- For what purpose is the data needed?
- What is the legal basis for processing the data?
- Where is the data processed (third country transfer)?
- Who is the recipient of the data or has access to the data?
- When will the data be deleted?
- What rights do survey participants have?
The relevant text can be placed on the welcome page, with the note that by completing the survey, the survey participant agrees to the processing of his/her data (implied).
Alternatively, the text for the privacy notice can also be displayed via the "Privacy Policy Settings" function. The survey participants are then asked to explicitly agree to the processing of their data by clicking on a checkbox.
The settings for this can be found in the menu of the survey under "Settings" -> "Privacy Policy Settings". There you can enter the text in the field "Text for survey privacy policy" and there you can also set how it should be displayed:
"Do not show" / "Inline text" / "Collapsible text".
Each survey administrator can export the collected survey data and is then responsible for its safe storage and use.
The collected survey results will be permanently deleted from the survey system database by UW/H 3 months after the survey is completed.
The survey administrator shall observe copyright law when using images and other media.
The use of LimeSurvey is permitted exclusively for surveys related to research, teaching or organisation at the UW/H. Use for private purposes is not permitted.
In the basic setting of our LimeSurvey system it is not possible to change the templates for surveys or the label sets (predefined answers, e.g. for selection lists). If you need your own templates, please contact us (bit-support@
Sample text privacy notice for download
Einen Beispieltext für den Datenschutzhinweis können Sie hier herunterladen. Bitte passen Sie den Text der konkreten Situation an.
Privacy information for survey administrators of Limesurvey
The following privacy information describes the processing of personal data when using the LimeSurvey survey system.
As a survey administrator, please read this information carefully and consent to the processing of your data before creating a survey.