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Intranet Uni WH | Internship Abroad

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Info for students

at the UW/H

Info for students

at the UW/H

Internship Abroad

You have to organise internships abroad on your own. It may be possible to apply for financial support at the International Office. If you will complete your internship in an Erasmus+ programme country, you will find further information on this page about the funding opportunities and application requirements.

If, on the other hand, you will be doing your internship in a country that is not an Erasmus+ programme country, the PROMOS scholarship programme may be right for you and you can find more information here.

Erasmus+ Internship (KA131)

For internships, blocks abroad or PJ tertials that you would like to complete in one of the Erasmus+ programme countries, you can apply for Erasmus+ funding. The prerequisite is that a relation to your study program is recognizable and that the internship comprises at least 60 days. In the Erasmus calculation, one month corresponds exactly to 30 days, even if the month has 31 days. For this reason, you may need to complete more than 60 actual days for the internship to be eligible. In addition, the internship must be completed full-time, whereby "full-time" is to be interpreted according to typical working hours in the country.

The maximum duration of funding per study cycle is 12 months for Bachelor's and Master's programs or 24 months for programs with state exams. Previous Erasmus+ stays in the same study cycle will be counted towards your funding quota.

Please send the following documents to international-office@spam protectuni-wh.de.

  • Application form - template in the download area
  • Certificate of enrollment
  • Confirmation of the traineeship employer (e.g. E-mail)
  • Erasmus+ additional funding, if applicable - Declaration on Honor

Please submit the documents to us at least 60 days before the start of the internship abroad. Internships in European institutions or organizations, national diplomatic missions, and organizations that administer EU programs are not eligible for funding.

Funding levels vary according to country group and project (see below).

Please note the information on combining grants and tax aspects (in the download area).

Liability clause: This project is funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Erasmus+ Fewer Opportunities

Participants who belong to the "fewer opportunities" group can apply for special funding.

Top-up: 250€/month for participants with a child, a GdB of 20 or more or a chronic disease, participants with a non-academic family background and working students.

Real costs: up to 15000€/semester for participants with a child, a handicap of 20 or more or a chronic disease.