Teaching & Research
at the UW/H
Teaching & Research
at the UW/H
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Department for Human Medicine
Reforming the training of doctors: This was the impetus for the founding of Witten/Herdecke University in 1983. Since then, the Department of Human Medicine has been realizing this founding mission: we train young people to become doctors capable of making informed decisions by continuously developing our practical and problem-oriented studies.
Research in the Department is just as important as teaching. We conduct it intensively in our own facilities on campus in Witten as well as in our university clinics, cooperating clinics and practices. They are our most important partners in teaching, research and patient care.
Department management

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anja Ehrhardt
- Department management
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
- Chair holder
- Chair of Virology and Microbiology
- Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)
Department Council
The members of the department elect the Department Council. This body advises on central issues of research, teaching and self-administration and prepares the resolutions of the Faculty Council. The members of the Department Council are
- Prof. Dr. Anja Ehrhardt, Head
- Prof. Dr. Melchior Seyfarth, Deputy Head
- Prof. Dr. Marzellus Hofmann, representative for teaching
- Prof. Dr. Axel Goßmann, Managing Director of the Municipal Clinics of the City of Cologne
- Dr. Holger Raphael, Managing Director HELIOS University Hospital Wuppertal
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Dieterle, representative of the professors
- Prof. Dr. Michael Paulussen, representative of the professors
- Prof. Dr. Gebhard Reiss, representative of the professors
- Prof. Dr. Friedrich-Carl von Rundstedt, representative of the professors
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Dittmar, representative of the professors
- Prof. Dr. Michael Ströhlein, representative of the professors
- Dr. Mona Eulitz, representative of the academic staff
- Dr. Johannes Just, representative of the academic staff
- N.N., representative of the non-academic staff