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Teaching & Research

at the UW/H

Teaching & Research

at the UW/H

Information | Forms

Dear lecturers in the Studium fundamentale,

Welcome to WittenLab. Zukunftslabor Studium fundamentale, the unit that organizes and coordinates the course offerings in Studium fundamentale for Witten/Herdecke University.

Below we have compiled some documents in which we try to answer frequently asked questions such as.

  • "What if I can't hold my seminar due to illness?", "Who can tell me about the rooms at UW/H?", "What are the travel regulations at UW/H?"(Guide for Lecturers),
  • "What do I need to know about course registrations for students?"(registration guidelines for course registration) or
  • "What do I need to consider when accepting exams or grading student work?"(information for examinations accompanying the course of study).

to answer.

Would you like to offer a course in the Studium fundamentale? With pleasure! The following information should help you:

  • Selection criteria for teachers in the Studium fundamentale
  • Framework conditions for the Studium fundamentale
  • 10 theses on Witten didactics

Teachers for the Studium fundamentale should have the following prerequisites and qualifications:

MUST requirements:

    Academic qualification: Master's degree (also diploma or equivalent) as a minimum criterion for holding academic seminars; for holding artistic seminars, several years of proven professional experience in presenting their own artistic work
    Willingness to conduct the necessary coordination and communication with colleagues in the WittenLab and students beyond the teaching of the course
    Coverage of the necessary professional competence for the topic dealt with in the seminar
    Willingness to contribute to the evaluation and further development of the course
    Discrimination-sensitive design of the course

Also desirable are

    Geographical proximity to the place of residence (NRW, preferably Ruhr area)
    The ability to impart action and key competencies (in the sense of HRK) for interdisciplinary qualification
    The willingness to engage in innovative and transdisciplinary formats in line with Witten didactics
    The willingness to contribute to the Studium fundamentale. External lecturers are offered the opportunity to help shape the Studium fundamentale and also to take part in further training or academic events
    Proven didactic qualifications and successful teaching experience in a university context and/or comparable qualifications

Courses in the Studium fundamentale should have the following characteristics:

    they are accessible to heterogeneous groups of students with different disciplinary backgrounds and levels of knowledge; this should be clear from the seminar descriptions
    if possible, they should relate to several subject areas of the Studium fundamentale:
    Critical Contemporaneity, Self- and Personal Development, Reflection Space Science and Resource Arts
    they are accessible to Bachelor's, Master's and state examination students
    they are intended to promote interdisciplinary exchange
    they impart knowledge and skills by combining reflection with irritation, or by making it possible to experience other forms of acting and thinking as creative potential in the arts
    they motivate students to make their own active contributions
    they turn the heterogeneity of the group into potential by working with the differences between the students and other participants

In addition, the main aim of Stufu teaching is to open up educational spaces in which students' own thinking and knowledge is questioned, connections are discovered and new, forward-looking options for action are tried out. The basic features of our courses include:

    Dealing with complexity, in the sense of non-triviality: enduring criticality and/or ambiguity
    Allow transdisciplinarity and the inclusion of different perspectives, specialist disciplines and levels of knowledge
    Allow experimentation with the teaching formats
    Support the call to action, e.g. as an interplay of theory and practice, through workshops, practical projects or projects with a real-life laboratory character that intervene in society

This results in the following exclusion criteria:

    Courses that only teach specialist knowledge (whether in business, medicine or art, for example!)
    Courses that only teach crafts or techniques for skills and abilities (e.g. pottery, programming, language skills, moderation techniques)
    Courses that are only aimed at students of one subject area

Teaching and learning at Witten/Herdecke University
Adopted by the Senate on April 05, 2022

10 theses on Witten didactics
(The order of the theses does not imply an increasing or decreasing gradation of importance)
Teaching and learning in Witten ...

    offers an excellent academic program and enables students to acquire interdisciplinary skills through the Studium fundamentale.
    places particular emphasis on teaching academic skills and strategies for acquiring knowledge.
    attaches great importance to the development of a comprehensively educated personality.
    strengthens social competence and communication skills.
    aims to develop judgment, critical thinking and the ability to reflect.
    encourages students to think in broader contexts in order to be able to assume social responsibility.
    sees students as designers of their own studies.
    offers freedom without arbitrariness.
    enables the experience of creative problem-solving processes involving practice, which enters into a dialog with theory.
    is characterized by an open dialogue between teachers and students and gives students a wide range of opportunities for co-determination and development.

Guidelines for first-time lecturers
1 What happens if I cannot hold my seminar due to illness?
2. where can I get a presentation case or flipchart paper, for example?
3. who can tell me about the rooms at UW/H?
4. what are the travel expenses regulations at the UW/H?
5. where can I find the participant lists for my seminar?
6. where can I stay overnight in Witten?
7. who are my contact persons at WittenLab?

1. illness:
If you are unable to give your seminar due to illness, we would ask you to inform the students immediately. You can use the e-mail function in UWE for this purpose. Please also inform us so that we can pass on information if necessary. (lehrplanung.stufu@uni-wh.de)
Missed lessons should be made up for. Please contact us as early as possible to book rooms for this case or to arrange further organizational matters.

2. material requirements:
If you require specific items for your seminar, such as a presentation case, speakers, flipchart and/or flipchart paper or similar, please also contact the secretary's office in good time. (dalia.ajdinovic@uni-wh.de)

3. rooms:
As the room situation at the U/WH is still very tight, it is virtually impossible for us to simply rebook rooms. In exceptional cases, we will of course try to help find new rooms. However, for resource-related reasons, this can only be done to a very limited extent. We ask for your understanding at this point. Ms. Laskowski & Ms. Ajdinovic are responsible for the entire room management.
Please address any questions directly to: melanie.laskowski@uni-wh.de or dalia.ajdinovic@uni-wh.de

4. travel costs:
Travel expenses between home and university (outward and return journey) will be reimbursed either
- at a flat rate per kilometer (0.30 €/km) up to a distance of 50 km
- for distances of more than 50 km in the amount of the rail fare of Deutsche Bahn AG, 2nd class, in Germany (taking into account the Bahncard 25).
Cab costs cannot be reimbursed.
Flight costs including all ancillary costs (arrival and onward travel by car or train) can only be reimbursed up to the amount of the comparable rail fare.
All invoices must be accompanied by the original receipts. If flights are paid for by credit card, the debit slip from the bank is valid.
Please make every effort to book your journey in good time to ensure that you
- get a hotel room in one of the hotels with special conditions
- take advantage of Deutsche Bahn savings offers
- receive a flight ticket at favorable conditions

Please submit your receipts by e-mail or post to Bettina Voigt (bettina.voigt@uni-wh.de) using the form “Vordruck_Honorar- und_Reisekostenabrechnung_externe”. You can find this on the intranet under:
Fee and travel expense report

5. participant lists:
Lists of participants can be found on the intranet.
Attendance lists
It is important that these lists are correct and that they are handed in to the Examinations Office for archiving at the end of the semester.
ATTENTION: If a student misses more than 20% of the seminar without being excused, i.e. without a medical certificate, this seminar is deemed not to have been completed. It is therefore no longer possible to issue a certificate of attendance.

6. accommodation/hotel costs:
Costs for accommodation can only be reimbursed if this has been expressly agreed in the corresponding contract for the teaching assignment. This is only possible in a few cases, for example due to very long journeys for block courses.
Witten/Herdecke University has negotiated special conditions with the following hotels
o Ardey Hotel in Witten
o Parkhotel Witten
o Hotel Georg Witten
If you need a hotel room, please contact us and we will be happy to reserve a room for you. (dalia.ajdinovic@uni-wh.de).
If you are booking on your own, please provide the following billing address:
Witten/Herdecke University
WittenLab. Zukunftslabor Studium fundamentale Ms. Dalia Ajdinovic
Alfred-Herrhausen-Str. 48
58448 Witten
For room reservations in a hotel we will reimburse max. 100,- € per night.

7. your contact persons at the Witten.Lab Zukunftslabor Studium fundamentale:
Dalia Ajdinovic: dalia.ajdinovic@uni-wh.de 02302/926-816, new building room 1.060
- Appointments with the directorate
- Organization of material for seminars
- Seminar cancellations
- Sick notes & date changes
- Hotel bookings
- Room bookings

Bettina Voigt: bettina.voigt@uni-wh.de, 02302/926-820, new building room 1.060
- Course planning
- Material organization for seminars
- Preparation of teaching assignments
- Invoice processing (fees, travel expenses)
- Moodle

Examination secretariat
Karin Bockel: 02302/926-558 and Linda Hagedorn: 02302/926-812 prüfung.stufu@uni-wh.de , new building room 1.067
- Everything to do with examinations, e.g. assistance with CP allocation
- Recognition of CP/grades in UWE

Britta Koch: britta.koch@uni-wh.de , 02302/926-436, new building room 1.039
- Start of the semester
- Public events

Sabine Goßmann: sabine.goßmann@uni-wh.de, 02302/926-819, new building room 1.039
- Public events
- Social Media

Melanie Laskowski: lehrplanung.stufu@uni-wh.de , 02302/926-814, New Building Open Space
- Teaching planning
- Room bookings

Best regards, Your WittenLab Team


Are you already a lecturer in the Studium fundamentale and have questions?

Below we have compiled some documents in which we try to answer frequently asked questions such as

  • "What if I can't hold my seminar due to illness?", "Who can tell me about the rooms at UW/H?", "What are the travel expenses regulations at UW/H?"(Guide for lecturers),
  • "What do I have to consider when registering for courses for students?"(Registration guidelines for course registration) or
  • "What do I have to consider when taking exams or assessing student work?"(Information for course-related examinations)

to be answered.

Attendance lists by semester

Attendance lists are available in printed form in the examination office (1st floor new building, room 1.067) and here for download! Please remember to fill in and sign these lists and hand them in at the end of the semester!

Where can I find the information about my course in UWE?

UWE instructions for entering examination results

Internal chairs/examiners must enter the exams and grades directly into UWE themselves or have this done by their secretaries.

External lecturers/examiners can do this directly via their UWE account using a combined attendance/grading list, which can be downloaded here (see above). After entering the academic performance into the UWE system, the lists are to be submitted for documentation to the secretariat WittenLab. Zukunftslabor Studium fundamentale for documentation.

Furthermore, the following applies to all courses: No more than 4 CP can be awarded in the Stufu courses.

Reimbursement of travel expenses and fees for external lecturers

If needed, please fill out the following form and submit it to the Stufu secretary's office (1st floor new building, room 1.060).