Info for students
at the UW/H
Info for students
at the UW/H
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Student Council for Human Medicine and Nursing Science
We, the Student Council for Human Medicine and Nursing Science, represent around 800 students of the Faculty of Health at Witten/Herdecke University. We are made up of four chairpersons and the expanding board.
The student council was founded in 2011 in response to the increasing number of students at the UW/H. Previously, it was possible to represent the interests of the students within the plenary assemblies. Due to the emergence of a wide variety of degree programs under the umbrella of three faculties, an in-depth professional discourse was no longer feasible.
Since then, the opportunity for nursing science and medicine students to become involved in university self-administration through the student council has grown steadily. In the summer semester of 2017, the board was expanded to include one representative each for preclinical, clinical, committees, fundraising and communication. In 2019, the Executive Board was increased by one position (due to the new model degree program in medicine) and the extended Executive Board was restructured.
For us, the university is characterized by a personal relationship between teachers and students. We motivate everyone to uphold these values, use the freedom and suggestions given to us and continue to shape "our" university into an inspiring place.
We are particularly proud of our interdisciplinarity. The focus of our future professions is the optimal care of people who are cared for in different care settings. Communication between nursing staff and medical staff plays a major role in this. We openly discuss potential conflicts that may arise.
Our student council shows how active involvement in the design of teaching and interdisciplinary exchange between students can be successful.
Contact us
Carlotta Süring: Board Member (Curriculum Commission) // Human Medicine
Leander Runde: Board Member // Human Medicine
Elena Wöstehoff: Board Member // Nursing Science
Serhat Taskale: Board Member // Human Medicine
Caleb Thompson: Finance // Human Medicine
Nikolaos Kiefer: Event post // Human Medicine
Martha Szibor: Event post // Human Medicine
Laila Hanewinkel: Clinic spokesperson // Human Medicine
Myung Shin Yoon: Preclinical post (Curriculum Committee) // Human Medicine
Elif-Nur Tok: Networking BVMD // Human Medicine
Charline Osei: Communications // Human Medicine
Anton Schön: Departmental Council Representative // Human Medicine, E & O
Joseph Orabe: Departmental Council Representative // Human Medicine
Till Baier: Faculty Council Representative // Human Medicine
Junior Bobga: Faculty Council Representative // Human Medicine