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Intranet Uni WH | Data Protection Officer

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at UW/H


at UW/H

Data Protection Officer

Your contact

Martin Rützler

Martin Rützler

  • Company data protection officer
  • Datenschutz

+49 (0)2302 / 926-722

Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58448 Witten


Corporate Data Protection Officer

Ihr Ansprechpartner für Datenschutzfragen in der UW/H

The company data protection officer (bDSB) at UW/H is your contact for all questions regarding data protection at UW/H. He advises processors on the data protection-friendly design of processing procedures for personal data and supports data subjects in implementing their rights. In accordance with Article 39 of the GDPR, "monitoring compliance" with the General Data Protection Regulation at UW/H is also part of his duties.

You can submit inquiries to the bDSB at datenschutz@spam protectuni-wh.de.

The basis: Laws & Co

Regeln und externe Ansprechpartner zum Datenschutz - eine Auswahl

Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) Since May 25, 2018, the European Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) has been directly effective law in Germany. The Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the state data protection laws (e.g. DSG NRW) merely put the uniform Europe-wide rules into concrete terms:

Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) www.datenschutz-wiki.de/Datenschutz-Grundverordnung

Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) www.datenschutz-wiki.de/Bundesdatenschutzgesetz

State data protection laws


Supervisory authorities:

Data Protection Commissioner of the State of NRW (responsible for the UW/H) https://www.ldi.nrw.de

Federal Data Protection Commissioner http://www.bfdi.bund.de

UW/H Privacy Policy

Policy on the handling of personal data at the UW/H

On 14.12.2023, the Executive Board of the UW/H adopted a data protection guideline for the UW/H.

Section 1 states the objective and authorization:

"The aim of this directive is to regulate the responsibilities and measures required within the university in order to ensure, as an overall organization, the uniform European requirements for the protection of natural persons when processing their personal data at the UW/H."

You can find the policy on the "University and Faculty Regulations" page on the intranet:



Zenda's Info Server

Eine gute Informationsquelle zum Hochschuldatenschutz


Info-Server of the Central Data Protection Office of the Universities in Baden-Württemberg (Zendas)http://www.zendas.de

Here you will find legal evaluations and recommendations for action on numerous data protection issues that arise specifically from university operations.

NOTE: The UW/H is a Zendas contract partner, therefore access to the info server is possible from any computer in the UW/H network.

UW/H orientation aids

Hinweistexte zu ausgewählten Datenschutzthemen an der UW/H

These orientation aids are intended to provide you with a quick overview of specific data protection topics at UW/H as needed. They are primarily intended as a practical aid for those responsible for processing. They do not claim to present the respective topic in depth.

The Basic Model Presentation or "The Data Protection Hidden Image"
001 Basic Model Presentation V1.0 (MR).pdf

and here the "Hidden Image" in a colorized and animated video (10 min.) of the University of Bielefeld

OH Basis Datenschutz-3x3 LDI
OH Basis Datenschutz-3x3 LDI - Status 2022-01-27

OH Explanation and sample of a data protection information according to article 13 DSGVO
H Explanation and sample of a data protection information according to article 13 DSGVO - Status 2022-03-30

Directory of processing activities (VVT)

Die zentrale Übersicht aller UW/H-Verarbeitungen

The UW/H is required by law to document all processing of personal data under its responsibility in a central directory. This is the "directory of processing activities" pursuant to Art. 30 GDPR. The bDSB maintains the directory in the form of a database. Processing controllers are required to notify the characteristics of their processing activity to the bDSB before the start of the processing. The information required for the notification can be found in the following pdf list:

Required Information for the VVT - "What does the VVT want to know?"

Data protection videos

Further illustrative material also in the Moodle course "Data protection"

Sample form

This is a template (WORD format) for a consent with attached data protection information for the processing of photos and/or film recordings at the UW/H. 

Sample_Info-u-Consent_Photo-u-Film-Recordings_UWH_general (as of 2023-10-04).docx 

Please note: Consent can be revoked by the data subject at any time. If the photos and/or film recordings are to be used in publications that cannot be changed subsequently (if revoked) without considerable effort, a "model release contract" (see https://www.zendas.de/themen/Model_Release_Vertrag.html) may be recommended as the legal basis.

This is a template (WORD format) for an obligation of confidentiality (formerly "obligation of data secrecy") for employees at the UW/H, or for other people who are to be obliged by the UW/H (e.g. as part of student projects).

ObligationConfidentiality (as of 2023-10-10).docx


Further sources of information on data protection


Handzettel Datenschutz (Stand 2023-08-31)

TIPP: Beim doppelseitigen Ausdrucken die Option "über die kurze Seite wenden" (o.ä.) wählen.

Datenschutz im Betrieb – Eine Handreichung für Beschäftigte

Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen

TMF Band 19: Datenschutzrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen medizinischer Forschung (open-access Version)

Infoblätter und Muster der nordrhein-westfälischen Heilberufskammern und der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Westfalen-Lippe zur DSGVO


Alle relevanten Informationen zum Thema Datenschutz und DSGVO (www.zahnaerzte-wl.de)

Die Homepage www.zahnaerzte-wl.de ist ein gemeinsames Projekt der Zahnärztekammer Westfalen-Lippe und der Kassenzahnärztlichen Vereinigung Westfalen-Lippe.

Die LDI.NRW (Datenschutz-Aufsichtsbehörde in NRW) hat für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) einen "Werkzeugkasten für den Betrieb" zusammengestellt:


Die Bundespsychotherapeutenkammer (BPtK) hat die wesentlichen Anforderungen zu den Themen Datenschutz und Schweigepflicht in einer Praxis-Info zusammengefasst.



Flyer aus dem Haus der Bundebeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit
(in online-Version und pdf-Version verfügbar):

Das Recht auf Datenschutz - Ein Schnelleinstig in die DSGVO und das BDSG