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Intranet Uni WH | Events

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Info for students

at the UW/H

Info for students

at the UW/H


We have the following career workshops and events planned for you during the 2024/2025 wintersemester. You will receive more info early in the semester through the UW/H Career Center and via email prior to the events.

Once the planning is finalized and you can register for the workshops, the workshops and events will be linked to the UW/H Career Center.


Our workshops und events at a glance:

October 30, 2024application photos (presence, German/English)
November 12, 2024CV-check (presence, German/English)
November 21, 2024Meet the Alumni - PPÖ meets Practice (presence, German/English)
December 3, 2024Heiratsmarkt (presence, German/English)
January 13, 2025Meet the Alumni - Management meets Practice (presence, German/English)