at UW/H
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Personnel and law
Welcome to the Human Resources & Legal department!

General notes
The Human Resources Department is responsible for the fulfillment of all personnel tasks of the university. It supports the personnel managers and has a service function for the employees. It is also responsible for strategic tasks (e.g. support of strategic personnel planning).
The Human Resources Department sees itself as a service provider and considers its main tasks to be optimal personnel support through competent and service-oriented dealings with employees.
The service tasks include in particular:
- Carrying out the monthly payroll accounting
- Recruitment (support/consulting, job advertisements, preparation of employment contracts, etc.)
- Personnel development (e.g. continuing education program)
- Vocational training
- Trustful cooperation with the works council
The Human Resources Department handles all personnel matters for the university. For all questions concerning the employment relationship and for many other questions, the team of the Human Resources Department is your contact.
The tasks are distributed within the department according to subject areas, i.e. each personnel officer is responsible for the faculties or departments assigned to him or her. This means that employees have a fixed contact person for personnel issues that arise.
The Legal Department handles all legal matters of the university, especially in the areas of labor and social law, research funding, and claims management.
Your contact persons

Ralf Bühler
- Abteilungsleitung
- Personnel and law
- Personnel
- Personnel cost planning
- Personnel controlling
- Personnel development
- Cooperation with the works council
- Diversity
Legal responsibilities
- Contract drafting
Responsibilities Purchasing
- Departmental managementa
- Strategic Purchasing

Matthias Dreischulte
- Leiter Personalmanagement/ stv. Personalleiter
- Personnel and law
+49 (0) 2302 / 926-459
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58448 Witten
- Human Resources Management
- Recruiting (support/advice in application and recruitment procedures)
- Involvement of the works council in personnel measures
- Disability issues (promotion etc.)

Sarah Hamacher
- Personalreferentin
- Personalmanagement
- Participation of the works council in personnel measures
- Recruiting
- Operational integration management

Janine Baron
- Personalreferentin
- Personalmanagement

Rabea Dietz
- Personalsachbearbeiterin
- Personalmanagement
- Payroll

Jacqueline Erk
- Personalsachbearbeiterin
- Personalmanagement
- Subject Area Faculty of Economics and Society
- Department of Psychology and Psychotherapy
- Parking garage

Susanne Lathen
- Personalsachbearbeiterin
- Personalmanagement
- Sachgebiet Department für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde
- Sachgebiet Studentische Aushilfskräfte
- Entgeltabrechnung

Franziska Paschen
- Personalsachbearbeiterin
- Personalmanagement
- Subject area Student Temporary Staff

Daniel Treckmann
- Personalsachbearbeiter
- Personalmanagement
- Subject area Department of Human Medicine

Sonja Zerres
- Personalsachbearbeiterin
- Personalmanagement
- Subject area Department of Human Medicine
- Testimonials
- Scholarships

Stefanie Krischnak
- Referentin Personalentwicklung
- Personnel development
- Consultation and conception

Evgenia Link
- Sachbearbeiterin Personalentwicklung
- Personnel development
- Administration Human Resources Development

Dr. Lewis Johnston
- Legal specialist
- Personnel and law
- Administration
- Referent Diversity, Equity und Inclusion
- Executive Board
- Administration
Responsibilities Legal specialist
Legal advice
Contracts for freelance work
Cooperation contracts
Responsibilities Diversity and Inklusion
Representation of non-scientific employees