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Intranet Uni WH | Department of Management and Entrepreneurship

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Teaching & Research

at the UW/H

Teaching & Research

at the UW/H

Department of Management and Entrepreneurship

In its teaching and research, the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship (MUT) aims to understand, explain and help shape decision-making, start-up and change processes in business. The focus is on people: we take a behavioural science perspective on people, groups and organizations. We prepare our students to take on management responsibility in their own or existing companies and provide them with the skills to shape our society in a sustainable way.

Institutes & Owner

International Center for Sustainable and Just Transformation [tra:ce] (Prof. Dr. Joscha Wullweber)

Reinhard Mohn Institute for Corporate Management (RMI) (Prof. Dr. Guido Möllering)

Witten Institute for Family Business (WIFU) (Hon.-Prof. Tom A. Rüsen; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Kleve, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anne Katarina Heider)

Center for Sustainable Corporate Management (ZNU) (Dr. Axel Kölle; Dr. Christian Geßner)