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Office of the Dean of Studies
Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students Office is responsible for:
- General questions about your studies at the faculty
- Course offerings
- Scheduling
- Academic advising
- information days
- Further questions about studying and teaching
- Circular e-mails to the student and / or staff mailing list of the faculty on the subject of "studies and teaching".
Contact: studiendekanat.wige(at)
Bärbel Grünberg
- Leitung
- Studiendekanat
Examination Office
The examination secretariat is responsible for:
- Organization of the examinations
- Examination board
- Notification of grades
- Certificates of examination results
- Questions about the examination system
Contact: pruefung.wige(at)
Suzana Filko
- Sachbearbeitung
- Examination office
Dalia Buhaç-Kamar
- Sachbearbeitung
- Examination office
Linda Hagedorn
- Sachbearbeitung Prüfungsmanagement
+49 (0)2302 926-812
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 48
58455 Witten
Neubau Raum 1.067
Program Coordination
Claudia Reusse
- Study coordination
- Studiendekanat
Johanna Zeus
- Study coordination
- Studiendekanat
Application Office
Are you interested in studying at the Faculty of Economics and Society? Then please contact the application office:
- Selection procedure for applicants
- Application advice
- Introductory weeks
Contact: bewerbung.wige@
Christiane Weber
- Admissions Office
- Studiendekanat
Katrin Bedurke
- Admissions Office
- Studiendekanat
Vice Dean for Teaching
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jens Harbecke
- Lehrstuhlinhaber für Theoretical Philosophy and Philosophy of the Social Sciences
- Faculty Office
Please note that the Student Secretariat of the UW/H is responsible for re-registration for the semester, application for leave of absence and exmatriculation.
To the Student Secretariat