Teaching & Research
at the UW/H
Teaching & Research
at the UW/H
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Research at the Faculty of Business & Society is dedicated to the sustainable development of the economy and society. Sustainability is viewed as a triad of economic, ecological and social sustainability. On the following page, researchers at the Faculty can find information on good scientific practice, research funding opportunities and contact persons.
Good scientific practice
Honesty and the principles of good scientific practice are indispensable prerequisites for all work that strives for knowledge and should be respected by the public. If you have any questions, please contact the ombudspersons.
Further information on good scientific practice at our university can be found in the UW/H-specific implementation and rules of procedure.
Research funding at Witten/Herdecke University
The Research Funding Department at UW/H is available to advise researchers at any time: Among other things, the staff provide support in acquiring and managing research projects; they provide information on national and international calls for proposals or advise on individual funding opportunities.
Announcements and dates
Every year since 2013, the Serafin Group has awarded the “Serafin Research Prize for Entrepreneurship” to a Bachelor's and a Master's thesis from the Faculty of Business & Society. The prizes are endowed with € 2,500 each.
The Board of Trustees of Witten/Herdecke University has been organizing a highly endowed funding competition every two years since 2023. Both student initiatives and lecturers who want to implement a scientific project can submit ideas and apply for funding.
In order to support cross-faculty exchange and cooperation between the disciplines, the university-wide “Research Day” is held regularly at UW/H, where scientists present their topics and projects to the university community - as poster presentations, in workshops or science slams.
Contact persons
Vice Dean for Research

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Clauß
- Chair holder
- WIFU Endowed Chair of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Digitalisation in Family Businesses
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Management and Entrepreneurship)
- Vice Dean for Research
- Dean's Office Economy and Society
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Society
Doctorate and habilitation
Information and contact persons for doctoral and postdoctoral studies at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Society can be found on the following pages:
Doctorate at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Society
Habilitation at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Society
Ombudspersons for good scientific practice
You can contact the ombudspersons for good scientific practice in the event of actual or suspected scientific misconduct and for all other questions and conflicts relating to good scientific practice and scientific integrity.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Guido Möllering
- Director
- Reinhard Mohn Institute of Management (RMI)
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Management and Entrepreneurship)
- Chair holder
- Reinhard Mohn Endowed Chair of Corporate Governance
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Management and Entrepreneurship)
- Ombudsperson for good scientific practice
- Dean's Office Economy and Society
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Society

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Michalak
- Chair holder
- Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 2
- Faculty of Health (Department of Psychology and Psychotherapy)
- Ombudsperson for good scientific practice
- Faculty Office of Health
- Faculty of Health