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at UW/H


at UW/H

Photo: pixabay | RitaE

Field dish - try the meal

Location Campus, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50, 58455 Witten
Organizer Projekt Feldversuch

The so-called "field dish" is now an established part of the menu. The first trial meal offers a foretaste and whets the appetite for regional and seasonal cuisine.

The kitchen team of the Hochschulwerk processes fresh vegetables from the field next to the UW/H into a regional and seasonal dish, making the cafeteria's offer even more sustainable. The "field dish" will be available on the menu every Wednesday after the field trial week from April 23 to 25.

The "Feldversuch" project is a cooperation between the UW/H, the Hochschulwerk and the Entwicklungsgesellschaft e. V. and combines organic regional agriculture with targeted health promotion and sustainable communal catering. The Hochschulwerk permanently enriches the cafeteria with fresh, locally produced organic food from the neighborhood. The vegetables are grown on the adjacent field and the areas on Annener Berg. The close proximity offers students and employees the opportunity to participate directly in the value creation of food. Anyone who wants to find out more about which field the field meal comes from is cordially invited to Ackerzeit: Further information