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Ombudspersons for good scientific practice
Good scientific practice refers to the basic principles and ethical standards that scientists must adhere to in their work, such as careful work, honesty and transparency. Scientific misconduct occurs when these principles are violated, for example through data manipulation, plagiarism or compromising the work of others.
Contact persons for actual or suspected scientific misconduct and for all other questions and conflicts in the area of good scientific practice or scientific integrity are the ombudspersons of the UW/H.
Good scientific practice includes general principles of scientific work, for example
- working lege artis
- documenting results
- consistently questioning all results yourself
- maintaining strict honesty with regard to the contributions of partners, competitors and predecessors
As well as
- cooperation and leadership responsibility in working groups
- the supervision of junior researchers
Violations of the principles of good scientific practice are referred to as scientific misconduct. It occurs, for example, when
- false statements are made intentionally or through gross negligence
- intellectual property or other third-party scientific achievements are used without authorization
- unjustified claims to co-authorship are asserted
- the research activities of other persons are impaired
- are accused of joint responsibility for scientific misconduct or other dereliction of duty
- a criminal offense or an administrative offense is committed
The ombudspersons of the UW/H (Prof. Dr. Johannes Michalak, deputy: Prof. Dr. Guido Möllering) provide confidential advice on questions and conflicts in the area of good scientific practice. In the event of conflicts, mediation between the conflicting parties is sought. The ombudsperson can be contacted by people who have questions about good scientific practice or wish to report misconduct. Individuals who feel they have been accused of scientific misconduct can also contact the ombudsperson. The ombudsperson helps by providing solution-oriented conflict moderation based on the rules of good scientific practice. Where possible, mediation, compromise and reconciliation between the parties are sought.
All information entrusted to the ombudsperson and the content of all discussions are treated with absolute confidentiality.
The ombudsperson can provide the following support:
- Advice (e.g. whether scientific misconduct has occurred)
- Information on the ombudsperson procedure and possible options
- Examination of the allegations
- Mediation or arbitration at the request of the person reporting the allegation
- In the event of conflicts of interest or if the problem cannot be classified as scientific misconduct: Contact mediation to another counseling center
If (serious) academic misconduct is suspected, the ombudsperson informs the Commission for the Investigation of Academic Misconduct. It is composed of the Vice President for Academic Affairs as well as the deans and the academic management of WittenLab. If there is sufficient suspicion, the commission initiates proceedings. In the event of proven misconduct, the commission can make recommendations for sanctions to the Executive Board. Proceedings can be discontinued if there is insufficient suspicion or if conditions are met.
The course of proceedings is described in detail in the
In the event of scientific misconduct, there is also the option of seeking advice and support outside the UW/H from the Ombudsman for Science (
Ombudspersons of the UW/H
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Michalak
- Chair holder
- Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 2
- Faculty of Health (Department of Psychology and Psychotherapy)
- Ombudsperson for good scientific practice
- Faculty Office of Health
- Faculty of Health
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Guido Möllering
- Director
- Reinhard Mohn Institute of Management (RMI)
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Management and Entrepreneurship)
- Chair holder
- Reinhard Mohn Endowed Chair of Corporate Governance
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Management and Entrepreneurship)
- Ombudsperson for good scientific practice
- Dean's Office Economy and Society
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Society