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at UW/H


at UW/H

Photo: Pixabay I Ri Butov

Miha Pogačnik plays Bach

Location New building, Event hall, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 48, 58455 Witten
Organizer WittenLab. Zukunftslabor Studium fundamentale

A workshop concert with the Slovenian violin virtuoso Miha Pogačnik will take place as part of the "KULTURZEIT" event series. He will play individual passages from the three solo sonatas in G minor, A minor and C major by Johann Sebastian Bach, explain them and turn them into a visual experience (colorful drawings).

The artist, who has been touring the world for decades - he has played in some of the world's most beautiful cathedrals - does not want to leave music to the entertainment scene, he wants to make its transformative power audible and visible, which - he is convinced - can have a transformative effect on society.

Over the past 25 years, he has taken his concerns, which go beyond the purely musical, to the executive floors of globally active companies in order to show how the artistic elements of music can be fruitful for topics such as leadership, innovation and change management.

Admission is free. A donation is requested.