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at UW/H


at UW/H

University-wide Research Day

Location UW/H Neubau, Foyer und Veranstaltungssaal sowie UW/H Hauptgebäude, Halle und Audimax
Organizer Prodekan:innen für Forschung und Vizepräsidentin für Forschung

The Vice-Deans for Research and the Vice-President for Research would like to share an exciting day with you and facilitate scientific exchange between the faculties and WittenLab. They would also like to think about how the university community can do even more research together in the future and which topics are significant beyond the boundaries of individual disciplines. Digitization, sustainability, diversity, or research methods may have the potential to enable interdisciplinary discourse at UW/H.

Such a day thrives on exciting insights into current research projects. University members get the chance to present their projects to the entire university in order to receive feedback, find new cooperation partners:inside, or perhaps to practice presenting in a friendly and constructive environment. There will also be exciting workshops on current topics, such as artificial intelligence in research. In addition, the focus will be on science communication in general and the importance of science slams and pitches in particular. The program:

09.00 - 09.30Registration and get-togetherNew building, foyer
09.30 - 09.45Welcome and impulseNew building, event hall
09.45 - 10.30Pitches/Science SlamsNew building, event hall
10.30 - 11.00Networking and coffee breakNew building, foyer
11.00 - 12.30

Workshop 1: "Possible applications of artificial intelligence in the research process".

The importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing inexorably, also in research. This is exactly what we would like to explore in our workshop "AI in Academic Research - Supporting the Research Value Creation". Together with you, we would like to shed light on the various facets of AI in research. How can AI support idea generation, literature searches, data analysis, and research writing? What opportunities and challenges arise? In subsequent open discussions and roundtables, we want to gather your ideas and perspectives to explore and shape the future of academic research. Get ready to optimize your research journey and realize your potential - together in the age of Artificial Intelligence.

Workshop 2: "Digitization: the common denominator for a cross-faculty research training group."

Exciting and successful science needs interdisciplinary exchange. The best place to start such an exchange is in the training of young scientists in a structured cross-faculty graduate college. This enables the networking of doctoral students, but also of professors, and helps to ensure the quality of modern scientific education and research. In this workshop, we will explore with you the possibilities that the topic of "digitization" can offer as a common basis for such a research training group. Digitization as a research subject? Digitization as a research tool? Contribute your ideas and perspectives and help shape it!

Campus building, Audimax




New building, event hall

12.30 - 13.30Lunch break and poster viewingCampus building, hall
13.30 - 15.00

Workshop 1: "Possible applications of artificial intelligence in the research process".

The importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing inexorably, also in research. This is exactly what we would like to explore in our workshop "AI in Academic Research - Supporting the Research Value Creation". Together with you, we would like to shed light on the various facets of AI in research. How can AI support idea generation, literature searches, data analysis, and research writing? What opportunities and challenges arise? In subsequent open discussions and roundtables, we want to gather your ideas and perspectives to explore and shape the future of academic research. Get ready to optimize your research journey and realize your potential - together in the age of Artificial Intelligence.

Workshop 3: "How to Perform a Science Slam."

In this hands-on workshop, national finalist and West German runner-up Prof. Kai Hensel shows how to approach a science slam or build on skills you already have. With an impulse lecture, "golden rules" and an interactive round of participation, the participants will learn what is important in a science slam. Whether in small groups or on their own, everyone can decide how active they want to be together. According to the motto "Communication is everything", the focus here is on how to communicate complex knowledge skillfully and ideally garnish it with a pinch of humor.

Campus building, Audimax




New building, event hall

15.00 - 15.30Networking and coffee breakNew building, foyer
15.30 - 16.00Award ceremony and summaryNew building, event hall

You can register on this page.