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at UW/H


at UW/H

Tradition meets Innovation

What potential lies in the cooperation between start-ups and family businesses? The WISO team from ZDF took a closer look at this. Dr. Anne-Katarina Heider from the Witten Institute for Family Business at UW/H also had her say in the broadcast.

"Our studies show that cooperative relationships can be profitable for both sides: Startups gain improved access to sales channels, customer segments, market know-how and industry expertise," said Dr. Heider. "Family businesses use cooperations with startups as innovation drivers: they develop their business model further, drive technological developments and the culture becomes more agile and dynamic."

In the broadcast, you can find out which challenges arise and which success factors determine the cooperation, using the examples of Otto (GmbH & Co KG), traceless materials and Ritter Sport. The video is available in the ZDF media library until 13.9.2024.

To the broadcast: "Gründerpreis meets Innovation