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Call for Abstracts: Second Interfaculty Research Day on 10.10.2024

Dear colleagues, dear students,
dear university community,

After a very successful and inspiring event, the university-wide Research Day will take place for the second time this year on Thursday, October 10, 2024. We would like to experience an exciting day with all of you and facilitate scientific exchange between the faculties and the WittenLab. Beyond the boundaries of individual disciplines, we want to explore topics such as third mission, science communication and scientific policy advice in workshops.

A day like this thrives on exciting insights into your current research projects. You will have the opportunity to present your research projects to the entire university in order to receive feedback, find new cooperation partners, or perhaps to practice presenting in a friendly and constructive environment.

If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, we look forward to receiving your abstract in which you briefly describe a research project you would like to present. A scientific committee will select which of the submitted abstracts can be presented as a poster and which can be presented orally. In addition to scientific precision, please note that your abstract and your presentation should also be comprehensible across faculties and disciplines in order to facilitate interdisciplinary exchange. Abstracts that are of high scientific quality AND generally understandable will receive a higher rating from the reviewers!

Please take advantage of this opportunity for university-wide exchange and submit a structured abstract on current projects with concrete results by 12.09.2024 at the latest.

Please use the attached Word file for submission and for further details on the structure of the abstract and send the abstract as a PDF to TdF@spam protectuni-wh.de. Selected submissions will receive special recognition, e.g. by being selected for an oral presentation or rewarded with a prize.

We look forward to your exciting topics!


Prof. Dr. Renate Buschmann             Prof. Dr. Thomas Clauß               Prof. Dr. Florian Kreppel

Academic Director                                  Vice Dean for Research             Vice Dean for Research
WittenLab. Future Laboratory         Faculty of Business                      Faculty of Health
Studium fundamentale                         and Society

Prof. Dr. Petra Thürmann
Vice President for Research