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at UW/H


at UW/H

Corona update for the university community

Dear members of the university community

After the experiences of the first weeks of the semester, the thorough evaluation of the current overall situation and the advice of the Prevention Staff as well as the Corona Task Force, we have decided on opening steps that will allow a return to normality without losing sight of the pandemic situation. By largely lifting the Corona measures, we are once again appealing to the responsibility of each individual for him/herself and all other university employees.

Effective May 30, 2022, the following regulations will apply:

1.FFP2 mask obligation lifted

The mask requirement will be replaced by a mask recommendation. The obligation to wear a mask will then no longer exist. Nevertheless, we recommend that you continue to wear an FFP2 mask, especially in areas and situations with little distance to other people - e.g. in large teaching events, at meetings in presence and in areas with "public traffic" such as the post office/info desk or student secretariat. Please take personal responsibility and solidarity to protect yourself and others.

2.UW/H citizens' testing center remains open

The UW/H Citizens' Testing Center, located directly next to the red modular building, is still open for you. The daily opening hours and online appointment booking can be found here: www.uni-wh.de/corona-teststelle. Please take advantage of this testing opportunity to minimize risk to yourself and others.

Please note: The issuance of rapid tests to all employees in attendance, which was through Human Resources, has been discontinued.

3.Offer of mobile work (especially home office).

Offering mobile work (especially home office) has proven to be an effective measure to reduce operational personal contacts during the Corona pandemic. Carrying out activities in the home office not only avoids or reduces personal contacts at work, but also on the way to and from work. We are in talks with the newly formed works council to extend the current regulation. We will inform you in a timely manner once the talks have been concluded.

4.Conditions for events no longer apply

All events may take place again without restrictions. The internal university requirements will no longer apply. We trust that all members of the university will exercise appropriate caution when planning and attending events. Observance of sanitary measures and spacing out whenever possible are still appropriate. We also strongly recommend mask wearing and prior testing.

5.Business trips abroad permitted again

Business trips abroad are also permitted again and can be approved by the respective supervisor(s). The requirement for a separate application to the Executive Board is no longer necessary. However, there may be restrictions imposed by the German Foreign Office that must be observed. For any planned business trip, we ask that the relevance of the trip be weighed against the associated health risks.

With 3V for safe encounters

If everyone enters the University with 3Vs - precaution, caution and responsibility - we will do the maximum to ensure that we can continue to encounter each other as safely as possible whenever we are at our University. Once again, it comes down to each individual!

As before, we will continue to monitor the overall situation with due attention. As usual, we will inform you about current developments and, if necessary, changes in the regulations by e-mail.

Please make responsible use of the freedoms and opportunities you have regained and feel free to contact us at corona@spam protectuni-wh.de with any questions or uncertainties you may have. And above all:

Stay healthy!


With kind regards

For the Task Force Corona

Klaus Weckbecker

For the Presidium

Martin Butzlaff   Jan Peter Nonnenkamp   Jan Ehlers Dirk   Jakobs Petra Thürmann