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at UW/H


at UW/H

Media artist Oleg Yushko comes as "Artist in Residence" to the UW/H

A warm invitation to all UW/H members to the opening of the augmented reality sculpture "X3-Box"!

A new artist-in-residence program is starting again at UW/H: For one semester, an artist has the opportunity to use the university's rooms as a co-working space and to be inspired for new projects. In the winter semester, the media artist Oleg Yushko, who comes from Belarus and lives in Düsseldorf, is a guest. To kick off his stay, he will open his augmented reality sculpture "X3-Box" in the new UW/H building on Thursday, October 12, at 4 p.m. - for this he dove deep into the archives of the German Röntgen Museum in Remscheid and explored the history of X-ray technology. The resulting work playfully addresses the ambivalence between transparency and intransparency of the human body and the desire to see the invisible. The exhibition is on view at the university through December 22.

Then, starting in November, Oleg Yushko will also launch his artist-in-residence project at UW/H; titled "Open Studio - more than Close Study," it aims to strengthen artistic presence at the university and impact university life, thought and action. The residency is openly conceived and gives participating artists the freedom to engage in exchange with the university community about the value and goals of science and knowledge. An exhibition resulting from this exchange will be implemented in the summer semester of 2024.

The artist-in-residence program is organized by the Chair of Digital Arts and Cultural Mediation of the WittenLab. Zukunftslabor Studium fundamentale at Witten/Herdecke University, and is funded by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation.