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at UW/H


at UW/H

Conference "Diversity in nursing science"

Location Mainbuilding, Audimax, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50, 58455 Witten
Organizer Department für Pflegewissenschaft

At this year's "Vielfalt Pflegewissenschaft"- conference, we are focusing on the fundamentals of nursing.
In the morning, we will look at and discuss fundamental aspects of nursing in three lectures. The focus will be on the following questions

  • What is behind our daily actions in nursing practice?
  • Why and for what do we need professional skills and abilities?
  • What role does relationship management play, e.g. during personal hygiene, when giving food or during mobilization?
  • How is the topic discussed internationally and how can we benefit from it?

The afternoon theme tables are planned along the lines of a World Café on selected components of care and will be supervised by experts in the respective subject area. The conference will conclude with an expert discussion and end at around 16:00.

We cordially invite you to join us in conversation, to reflect together and to discuss critically. You can find the complete program here.

Participation is free of charge. Registration is possible until September 08, 2024.

Please register via e-mail to: department.pflegewissenschaft@uni-wh.de

The event will be held in German.