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at UW/H


at UW/H

Photo: private | Paula Oelschlegel

Does racism make you sick?

Location Mainbuilding, Audimax, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50, 58455 Witten
Organizer Initiative für rassismussensible Psychotherapie Witten

So far, the focus has been on the social consequences of racism - because it is undisputed that unequal opportunities have an impact on education, work, mobility, housing, etc.. Racism also has direct multiple consequences for the health of those affected, which is increasingly being empirically proven (e.g. Lancet Series, Dec. 2022). Which forms of racism are distinguished and which do people experience as particularly stressful, from which consequences do they suffer? What is helpful for those affected themselves, and what can supporters do in private, family or professional contexts? Concepts such as micro- and macroaggressions, internalized racism, stress and fatigue triggered by racism, but also possibilities for action will be made understandable in the lecture by Dr. Brisen Kahraman, psychotherapist, supervisor and lecturer with a focus on "culturally and power-sensitive psychotherapy". Questions and discussion are very welcome.