Cooperation event with the "Eine Welt Witten" network
Sustainably and fairly produced clothing is still far from being the standard today. An important step towards this is the establishment of trade unions that stand up for the rights of textile workers. However, these efforts are often suppressed.
The film tells the story of a young textile worker who succeeds in asserting herself against discrimination and resistance and founding a union together with her colleagues.
Released from the age of 16. After the film, there will be an opportunity to talk to Dietrich Weinbrenner, who has been involved in the "Clean Clothes Campaign" for many years.
Further event on the topic:
Thursday, 19.09.2024: "The true price of clothing" - Insights into globalized textile production.
A lecture and discussion evening with Dietrich Weinbrenner, organized by the "Eine Welt Witten" network.
Venue: Ardey Hotel, Ardeystrasse 11-13, Witten
Start: 7 p.m.
Admission is free, a donation for the "Clean Clothes Campaign" is requested.