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at UW/H


at UW/H

Plakat zur UW/H-Debatte "Grünste Industrieregion"

Greenest industrial region of the 21st century? Structural change and transformation in the Ruhr region today

Location City Library, Husemannstraße 12, 58452 Witten
Organizer ISIC und [tra:ce] in Kooperation mit der Stadtbibliothek Witten

Hardly any other region in Germany can look back on such a long history of structural change as the Ruhr area. For around 75 years, the part has had to constantly reinvent itself and adapt to new technological and social challenges - and despite all the structural change, it is still a centre of German industrial production.

Where is the journey heading in the age of digitalisation, artificial intelligence and climate change? How will the Ruhr region position itself in the period of the comprehensive transformation we are experiencing today? What are the challenges, and what are the conditions for the Ruhr region to successfully master this challenge?

We want to discuss these topics in a new edition of our UW/H Debates. The panel discussion, jointly organised by the ISIC (Institute for Social and Institutional Change) and the [tra:ce] (International Center for Sustainable and Just Transformation) of the University of Witten/Herdecke in cooperation with the Witten City Library, will take place on 22.11.2023 from 18:30-20:00 in the Witten City Library.

The panel will discuss:

  • Katja Witte, Acting Head of Department and Co-Head of the Research Unit Structural Change and Innovation, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
  • Dr Rasmus C. Beck, Managing Director of Duisburg Business & Innovation (DBI)
  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Melchers, Professor of Geoengineering and Post-Mining and Vice President of the Georg Agricola University of Applied Sciences, Bochum
  • Tobias Nadjib, CEO of Volkswagen Infotainment, Bochum.

Moderation: Dr. Sonja Knobbe, Strategic Director [tra:ce]