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at UW/H


at UW/H

Symbolic image of dog and cat

Lecture series: Human-animal relationship 24.04.2025

Location Zoom
Organizer Chair of Didactics and Educational Research/Studium fundamentale

Participants in the event will gain insights into animal pathology and learn more about human responsibility in the breeding of dogs and cats. The speaker will be Prof. Dr. Achim Dieter Gruber  from the Free University of Berlin.

In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on environmental awareness and interest in climate protection at universities. Even though this has resulted in very successful formats to date, the direct relationship between humans and animals has not yet been sufficiently addressed in university contexts. The lecture series of the Chair of Didactics and Educational Research in Healthcare and the Junior Professorship of Digital Health therefore refers to the synthesis “human-animal relationship” and offers a platform for a comprehensive discussion and examination of the diverse aspects of animal welfare, environmental awareness and ethics. 

You can register online. Participation is free of charge.

Further dates in this event series:

08.05.2025 : Animal-specific fundamental rights for animals as part of the rule of law

15.05.2025: Animal humanity

22.05.2025 : Of horses, pigs and humans - or what connects mare's blood with a pork chop

05.06.2025: Knowledge protects animals

12.06.2025: Animal testing and NAMs

26.06.2025: Musicology and the relationship between humans and animals

03.07.2025 : Peaceful coexistence between wolves and humans

10.07.2025 : Cruel breeding and color morphs in reptiles

17.07.2025: Kahoot final quiz