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at UW/H


at UW/H

Photo: private | Linus Wesseling

Wheel giver self-help workshop (week 47)

Location Bahnhofstr. 63, 58452 Witten
Organizer Radgeberin - weniger e.V.

Every Tuesday from 5 - 8 p.m., the bike giver opens her doors for you! You are welcome there to learn to maintain and repair your bikes. Tools and spare parts are on site; you are always welcome for coffee. On Thursdays, there is also an occasional road bike/gravel ride.

As a project of Weniger e.V., the Radgeberin has become a place of encounter where bicycle enthusiasts from the area meet to repair their bikes under expert advice, drink coffee and plan and implement events. You are welcome to all of these components of the project. The initiative is pleased to us about people who feel like sharing their knowledge with others and passing on their experiences to others in a relaxed atmosphere.

You can find more information on Instagram or request it through mail.