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Intranet Uni WH | Teaching Day - a format that convinces

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at UW/H

Teaching Day - a format that convinces

On 11.10.2024, Teaching Day entered its third round, this time with the question "How political can and should universities be?"

The well-attended event began with a welcome from Prof. Dr. Jan Ehlers, Vice President for Teaching and Learning, and the presentation of the teaching awards. Prof. Dr. Oliver Schildgen, Faculty of Health, who focuses on the topic of planetary health and global sustainability goals in his teaching, was delighted. Prof. Dr. Jochen Jackowski and Dr. Dr. Lars Bonitz, Faculty of Health, received an award for the design of this year's practical course in dental-surgical propaedeutics and emergency medicine 1.

Prof. Dr. Jan-Christoph Heilinger, Prof. Dr. Joscha Wullweber and Prof. Dr. Joachim Zweynert from the Faculty of Business and Society were honored. They offer a focus module on the question "Laissez-faire or Big Green State: How much state is needed to combat the climate crisis?" The third prize winner is Prof. Dr. Reinhard Loske, WittenLab Zukunftslabor Studium fundamentale, for his seminar "The future of biodiversity: a comparison of international nature conservation strategies", which included an excursion to the renaturalized Lippe floodplain near Lippstadt, one of the largest rewilding projects in North Rhine-Westphalia.

With the keynote speech by PD. Dr. Kristin Eichhorn (#LauteWissenschaft - Warum Wissenschaft nie ganz unpolitisch ist), a poster walk in which current teaching/learning projects were presented, three workshops and the final discussion, the day was packed full. Together, the participants examined, reflected on and discussed the issue from all sides.