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at UW/H


at UW/H

(Photo: RMI | Laurenz Kienitz)

49th Workshop of the Scientific Commission Organization in the VHB

Location Neubau: Veranstaltungssaal & Foyer sowie Räume 021, 022a/b, 025a/b,031a, 031b/c
Organizer Reinhard-Mohn-Institut für Unternehmensführung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem VHB

The 49th WK ORG Workshop, an event for organization and management research, will take place from 12 - 14 March 2025 in the new building of Witten/Herdecke University. The annual workshops (partly integrated into the overall VHB conference) serve the professional exchange and networking of organizational researchers of different generations and university locations from German-speaking countries.

This year, in addition to diverse contributions from all areas of organizational research, there will also be a highlighted track and a panel discussion on the topic of "Organization and Democracy" as well as a preceding workshop for young researchers. Continuously updated organizational information and a current version of the program can be found on the WK ORG website.

Admission costs: €200 for professors | €160 for junior researchers | free junior researcher workshop

Tickets available at: https: //limesurvey.uni-wh.de/AnmeldungWKORG25

The event will be held in German.