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at UW/H


at UW/H

Career coaching - "Job entry strategy and CV tuning"

Location Campus, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50, 58455 Witten
Organizer UW/H Alumni-Management

Are you currently thinking about what to do after UW/H? Or perhaps you still have a lot of unanswered questions about starting your career?

Around the alumni reunion on April 27, 2024, there is a great opportunity for students to exchange (professional) ideas with alumni of the university.

You should be there if...

... you are planning your first career steps and would now like concrete input.

... you simply want to find out and be inspired about what to do after university.


Places for the workshop are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so it pays to be quick.

There are 15 places available. The workshop is open to all fields of study.

When registering, please upload your CV and answer the questions provided. This will allow the coach to analyze your CV in advance and give you individual feedback.


About the coach:

Barbara Schmid studied at the FU Berlin, the University of Witten/Herdecke and the Prague University of Economics. After completing her business studies, she initially worked in industry for 10 years in various positions in Germany and abroad. In 2014, she became self-employed and entered the HR consulting business. Since then, she has been advising companies of all sizes on filling management and specialist positions. One client focus is on medium-sized, internationally active industrial companies.

Barbara Schmid wants to help students develop their own strategy for starting a job and draw attention to "pitfalls" in their CVs.


If you have any questions, please contact Alumni Management(alumni@spam protectuni-wh.de)

The event will be held in German and English.