In Tobias Schönenberg's social satire, the crime thriller plot only serves as a hook and framework for a cinematic examination of the meat industry, meat consumption and social norms. DIE Q IST EIN TIER relies on "a trenchant script and an excellent ensemble cast - an equally enjoyable and thought-provoking discourse carnage on the irritating topic of meat consumption." (Filmdienst)
Further screenings:
Berlin, ProVeg Incubator (22.01.2025)
Düsseldorf, Bürgerhaus Salzmannbau via Dü (16.01.2025)
Fürstenwalde, Parkclub (24.01.2025)
Hamburg, 3001 Kino (22.01.2025)
Hersbruck, Kulturbahnhof (21.01.2025)
Nuremberg, Filmhaus (22.1.2025)
Osnabrück, N.N. (22.01.2025)
Vienna (A), Filmcasino (22.01.2025)
Witten, Witten/Herdecke University (22.01.2025)
If you would like to screen this film in your own city, please contact us at julia.nitsche@
The reflection and discussion on the film will take place at the online barcamp on 23.01.