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at UW/H


at UW/H

Film screening "The Q is an animal" - Lecture series "Human-animal relationship"

Location Mainbuilding, Audimax, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50, 58455 Witten
Organizer Lehrstuhl für Didaktik und Bildungsforschung/Studium fundamentale

In Tobias Schönenberg's social satire, the crime thriller plot only serves as a hook and framework for a cinematic examination of the meat industry, meat consumption and social norms. DIE Q IST EIN TIER relies on "a trenchant script and an excellent ensemble cast - an equally enjoyable and thought-provoking discourse carnage on the irritating topic of meat consumption." (Filmdienst)

Further screenings:

Berlin, ProVeg Incubator (22.01.2025)
Düsseldorf, Bürgerhaus Salzmannbau via Düsseldorf-Vegan.de (16.01.2025)
Fürstenwalde, Parkclub (24.01.2025)
Hamburg, 3001 Kino (22.01.2025)
Hersbruck, Kulturbahnhof (21.01.2025)
Nuremberg, Filmhaus (22.1.2025)
Osnabrück, N.N. (22.01.2025)
Vienna (A), Filmcasino (22.01.2025)
Witten, Witten/Herdecke University (22.01.2025)

If you would like to screen this film in your own city, please contact us at julia.nitsche@spam protectuni-wh.de.

The reflection and discussion on the film will take place at the online barcamp on 23.01.