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Intranet Uni WH | Eventdetail

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at UW/H


at UW/H

Online exchange space for students with chronic (mental) illnesses, disabilities and neurodivergence

Location Online
Organizer Beauftragte für Gleichstellung und Vielfalt
Note nur für Studierende
Categories Study

During the lecture-free period, the exchange format for students with chronic (mental) illnesses, disabilities and neurodivergence takes place online. Students should be able to participate in the exchange format regardless of their place of residence.

Students are invited to join in regardless of their previous attendance at the pre-course meetings.

The exchange space is intended to be a protected, informal place for affected students and their confidants to talk openly with each other, and to support and empower each other. As the offer is aimed exclusively at students, free discussion among peers is guaranteed in this group. Even if you do not (yet) have a diagnosis for your suspected impairment(s), you are welcome to join the group!

Important: The exchange room does not replace therapy and everyone should be in a position to take responsibility for themselves. In addition, confidentiality naturally applies to all participants - what is shared in the group stays in the group. If you have any questions or are unsure about participating in the exchange room, please send an email to the Equality and Diversity Officer.

You can find the link to the exchange room here.

The event will be held in German or English by arrangement.