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Intranet Uni WH | Jubilarfeier 2023

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at UW/H


at UW/H

Jubilarfeier 2023

"The real treasure of the university is the people who work here"

This is how Chancellor Jan Peter Nonnenkamp introduced his laudatory speech for Anke Bauske and Michael Kuhn: With 40 years of service, they are among the longest-serving employees at UW/H and have helped to build it up in key positions. Anke Bauske is head of the Student Secretariat and was the first trainee at the university. Michael Kuhn is Head of Finance and Accounting and thanked her with the words: "It's a blessing to have a job that you enjoy going to every day." The third employee with 40 years of service is Eleftheria Hippert, administrator in the Faculty of Health. Unfortunately, she was unable to attend. Tanja Karaus, administrator in the Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine, Dr. Jörg Reißenweber from the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Health and Angela Dusi-Kunkis from the Dental Clinic completed 35 years of service.

In total, the UW/H had 53 jubilarians in 2023, who can look back on 1,045 years of service. At the ceremony on 14 December, their respective superiors gave them a brief insight into their career, a fond memory or a classification of what makes them special professionally or personally. This also highlighted the diversity of jobs between the clinics and laboratories, teaching and research and administration.

At the end, there were flowers and a triple thank you from President Martin Butzlaff. The first thank you went to the jubilarians for their long years of service, which are no longer the norm in working life. The second went to the presenters for the glimpse through the keyhole that their speeches provided into the professional and, in some cases, private lives of the long-serving employees. The organizing team from the HR department, which hosts this event every year, received the third thanks.