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Intranet Uni WH | University-wide Research Day 2024

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at UW/H

University-wide Research Day 2024

2nd University-wide Research Day - interdisciplinary exchange and much applause

The university-wide Research Day took place for the second time on October 10, focusing on "The university's third mission - with science communication as a central element for political and public outreach".

The large number of abstracts submitted showed the great interest in the Research Day, which was very well attended with around 120 participants.

The workshops presented, discussed and worked on a wide range of topics, from practical aspects of science communication to UW/H-specific issues and scientific policy advice. The participants made extensive use of the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary discussions.

The pitches and science slams were met with much applause before the lunch break. This began with an invitation to view posters and once again offered plenty of space for interdisciplinary exchange and networking between doctoral students and professors.

The award ceremonies rounded off the intensive and exciting day. The poster prizes went to:

  • 1st prize: Philipp Schreiber, Mareike Sieler and Thomas Dittmar with "Characterization of the protein Survinvin in cell fusion of human breast epithelial cells and breast cancer cells" (Human Medicine)
  • 2nd prize: Raphaela Fritz and Guido Möllering with "I just cannot unsee it - the role of compassion work in circular fashion" (WiGe)
  • 3rd prize: Stefanie Stober with "Between hope and challenge - expert insight into the palliative care of children and adolescents with oncological diseases" (Nursing Science)

The prize for the best science slam went to Megumi Nagase with "Strengthening paediatric speciality training through the Paediatricians for Malawi project".