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at UW/H


at UW/H

Exchange room for students with chronic illnesses, disabilities and neurodivergence (February 2025)

Location Zoom
Organizer BuNT Initiative

Are you studying at UW/H and have a disability, chronic physical or mental illness or are neurodivergent?

Around 16% of students in Germany have an impairment that makes studying difficult, so you are definitely not an "isolated case"!
(Student survey in Germany: best3 - 2023)

We offer a Safer Space by and for students, where you are welcome to share your questions and concerns. You decide for yourself what you want to share - and what not.
To ensure that this space remains a safe space for everyone, we ask that the presence of the participants and the shared content be treated confidentially. Nothing from the exchange room may be shared externally without first obtaining the express permission of the person concerned.

Example topics:

  • Compensation for disadvantages
  • Outing to the university and fellow students
  • Support options
  • Barriers to studying
  • How do I make connections during the semester
  • Studying with autism and ADHD
  • Official diagnoses-> pros and cons of support/therapy vs negative consequences in studies and career
  • Ableism experiences
  • etc.

You are of course also welcome without questions/concerns/topics and are welcome to just be there and listen.
Whether you have an official diagnosis or not - you are very welcome!

Participation is possible via Zoom .
The event will be held in German and English.