As of today, the bicycle rental service metropolradruhr is available in Witten - with discounted conditions for all university members! This means that we can also take advantage of the largest bike rental system in the region here at a reasonable price. In Witten, more than 50 bicycles are available at ten stations, including the bicycle racks at Alfred-Herrhausen-Str. 48 and at the train station.
The following conditions apply to students and employees of Witten/Herdecke University:
- 30 free minutes per loan.
- Any further use will be charged at 1 € per 30 minutes.
- Discounts apply to one bike only.
- Reduced conditions apply in the metropolradruhr system (in other nextbike systems, the prime rate applies there).
- metropolradruhr users can rent bicycles in all participating cities and return them throughout the metropolradruhr area.
For the free registration it is recommended to use the app of nextbike by TIER. Further steps are:
- Registration with the mail address "",
- select "Students and employees of Witten/Herdecke University" for partner options,
- Verify means of payment by creating a starting credit of 1 €.
Depending on the payment method, the account will be activated immediately or after 2 to 4 days.
By the way: There is a limited contingent of vouchers for externally arriving persons like speakers, lecturers or participants of events without a university e-mail address, with which the same conditions apply. If you are interested in this, please contact the Vernetzungsstelle Nachhaltigkeit at nachhaltigkeit@
The bike rental system metropolradruhr will be tested for a pilot phase of one year in Witten with the option to extend.
The metropolradruhr discounts are another building block of our mobility infrastructure and offers (eLastenrad, eCarsharing, 9-Euro-Ticket), with which we promote an uncomplicated use of more climate-friendly means of transport.